Tatuaje PCA 2023 delivers a potent blend, boasting spicy, earthy, and leathery notes intertwined with coffee essence.
Handcrafted by My Father Cigars in Nicaragua, it features Nicaraguan binder and filler hugged by a rustic Ecuadorian Sumatra-seed wrapper, evoking richness and complexity.
Limited to 2,500 boxes of 20 cigars, this Toro-sized gem is an exclusive creation for the Premium Cigar Association (PCA).
With a robust length of 6"3/8 and a 54 ring gauge, it embodies full strength and Maduro richness, individually packaged in cellophane for optimal freshness.
The main notes of this cigar are: coffee, oak, spice, and pumpkin bread, encapsulating the essence of fine craftsmanship and dedication.