The Plasencia Cosecha 149 cigar is a premium cigar that is part of the reputable and legendary Plasencia Cigars portfolio. This cigar is made entirely from tobacco grown on the Plasencia family's farms in Honduras and the result is a complex and flavorful smoke.
The flavor profile of the Plasencia Cosecha 149 cigar is characterized by a medium to full-bodied strength, with a rich and nuanced flavor profile. Upon lighting up, the cigar offers notes of wood, earth, and leather, with a subtle sweetness in the background.
As the cigar progresses, there are notes of nougat that add to the mix, along with hints of cocoa and molasses that add depth and complexity to the smoke. The flavors are well-balanced, with each note complementing the others to create a satisfying smoking experience. Towards the middle of the cigar, there is a creamy texture that develops, giving the smoke a smooth and luxurious mouthfeel. The sweetness becomes more pronounced, with notes of caramel and dried fruit adding a touch of sweetness to the mix.