The Plasencia Alma del Campo cigar is a premium cigar that is handcrafted in Nicaragua using a blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos from the Plasencia family's own farms. The cigar is named after the "soul of the field" and is intended to capture the essence of the Nicaraguan countryside.The flavor profile of the Plasencia Alma del Campo cigar is characterized by a medium to full-bodied strength, with a balanced and nuanced flavor profile. The Plasencia Alma del Campo features a robust mixture of coffee, nuts, spices, and cream. That pleasurable combination is filtered down to just rich cream with a hint of spice by the end of the cigar and echoes of this flavor merger stay with you long after the cigar has been finished. As the cigar progresses, there are notes of cocoa, coffee, and leather that add depth and complexity to the smoke, along with hints of roasted nuts and cedar that give the smoke a satisfying depth and complexity. The flavors are well-balanced, with each note complementing the others to create a satisfying smoking experience.