My Cigar Pack X Fratello Cigars

My Cigar Pack X Fratello Cigars

My Cigar Pack X Fratello Cigars

When it comes to the world of premium cigars, things just got better courtesy of a standout partnership. My Cigar Pack, a top-of-the-line cigar club, has joined forces with a brand synonymous with quality and class - Fratello Cigars. This is no ordinary collaboration in the world of cigars; it's a blending of shared visions and an absolute commitment to excellence. 

In essence, it’s two powerhouses coming together to ensure that you, the cigar aficionado, get access to the best of the best. From the workbench to your hands, this partnership promises not just any cigar experience, but an unprecedented one.

Are you as excited as we are to delve into the story of Fratello Cigars, understand why they're so highly recommended, and explore just how this alliance heightens your cigar journey? Let's get right into it!

The My Cigar Pack and Fratello Cigars Partnership 

My Cigar Pack X Fratello Cigars - Cigar Club of the month - Cigar Club Membership

When it comes to providing premium quality to our members, My Cigar Pack leaves no stone unturned. Our partnership with Fratello Cigars, one of the best in the cigar industry, demonstrates our commitment to bringing you exceptional products. Known for their craftsmanship and quality, Fratello Cigars aligns perfectly with our vision of leading the way in the cigar club industry. This partnership enables us to offer our members exclusive access to a variety of high-quality Fratello Cigars which they can add to their collection or enjoy at their leisure within our memberships. 

The Story Behind Fratello Cigars 

My Cigar Pack X Fratello Cigars - Omar de Frias

Meet Omar de Frias, the mastermind behind Fratello Cigars, a notable brand in the realm of premium cigars. Prior to his endeavor in the cigar industry, de Frias showcased his leadership finesse as an analyst for NASA, overseeing a staggering budget of 5 billion dollars. 

His passion for cigars sparked an essential change in his career path, triggering his departure from NASA and investment in the cigar industry. Established in 2013, Fratello Cigars made waves in the market, quickly earning a reputation for its distinctive blends and creative branding. 

Providing a rich selection of premium handcrafted cigars, Fratello Cigars uses only the highest quality tobacco leaves sourced from various international regions. The brand's unwavering commitment to quality and ingenious approach to product presentation further amplifies its prestige in the industry.

The fantastic journey of Fratello Cigars is worth exploring. Born out of the dream to provide aficionados with exquisitely crafted cigars, Fratello Cigars quickly made a name for themselves in this competitive industry. Understanding the importance of a well-made cigar, their blend of passion, dedication, and meticulous craftsmanship soon shone through, setting them apart. In essence, the Fratello success story isn't merely about making cigars - it's about creating an experience that resonates with and engages the senses of cigar enthusiasts the world over. 

Ex-Nasa analyst and brand owner Omar de Frias claims “it’s not rocket science.” Well Omar, given how difficult it is to blend a top-notch premium cigar and produce it on a consistent basis, it may as well be. Launched in 2013 and expanded throughout the market until this day, this boutique brand is making a big impact on all smokers, maybe even as big as its ex-pro basketball player- creator. Look for this brand’s dynamic lineup to fulfill your cigar needs day in and out.

Best Fratello Cigars & Prices

My Cigar Pack X Fratello Cigars

Fratello Cigars offer a range of excellent products that cater to varied tastes. But if you're new to the brand, a great starting point is the 'Fratello Classico', lauded for its perfect balance and the distinct flavors it bestows.

Box of 20 - $200 USD / Single - $8.55 USD

My Cigar Pack X Fratello Cigars - Fratello Classico Cigar

Also, the 'Fratello Bianco', known for its unique, creamy texture and subtle hints of spice, is a popular choice.

Pack of 5 - $64.00 USD / Box of 20 - $250.00 USD

My Cigar Pack X Fratello Cigars - Fratello Bianco

Lastly, don't miss out on the 'Fratello Navetta', a masterpiece that takes you on a journey of rich nuances and layered complexity. 

Box of 20 - $221.95 USD

My Cigar Pack X Fratello Cigars - Fratello Navetta Robusto Discovery

Regardless of your preferences, this partnership ensures that you'll have access to an assortment of these remarkable cigars. We're thrilled to journey with you, enhancing your cigar experience one puff at a time!

Simply put, joining My Cigar Pack does more than get you a monthly selection of cigars. You are part of a community with special access to certain brands like Fratello cigars. We can't wait for you to dive in and craft your unique cigar journey. Ready to begin? 

Let's not forget that My Cigar Pack isn't just about subscriptions—it's a club, it's a place to learn, it's a whole new way of life!

Interested in reading and learning more about cigars? Check out our blog

Determined to join this lifestyle and looking for information? check out our complete cigar guide for beginners and aficionados

Looking where to start the cigar lifestyle? start with us! You can see our collectionaccesories & you can also join the MCP Cigar Club! We offer a variety of memberships for anyone who experiences the cigar lifestyle. Be sure to check them out and see which one best suits your needs.

NEW Reserva Especial Membership - Join The Waiting List LIMITED AVAILABILITY

My Cigar Pack X Fratello Cigars
My Cigar Pack X Fratello Cigars
My Cigar Pack X Fratello Cigars

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