Cigar Review: Bandolero Serie C Traviesos

Cigar Review - Bandolero Serie C Traviesos
My Cigar Pack - Cigar Review -Bandolero Serie C Traviesos

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The Bandolero Serie C Traviesos cigar delivers a bold and adventurous smoking experience to aficionados. Meticulously crafted, this cigar blends premium tobaccos from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, resulting in a complex and flavorful profile. Upon lighting, smokers encounter a burst of spice and pepper, indicating the cigar's robust character. As the smoke evolves, flavors of dark chocolate and espresso emerge, accompanied by hints of leather and cedar, providing a rich and satisfying flavor journey.

True to its name, the Bandolero Serie C Traviesos cigar offers a mischievous delight for the palate. Its medium to full-bodied profile achieves a harmonious balance of strength and complexity, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a bold yet refined smoking experience. With flawless construction and a smooth draw, this cigar guarantees to captivate the senses, leaving a lasting impression with its adventurous spirit and bold flavors.

Selected Tobacco S.A.

Cigar Review: Bandolero Serie C Traviesos

At the 2023 PCA show, Selected Tobacco S.A. introduced its latest booth, which boasts an impressive combination of space, meeting areas, and displays. Notably, the booth's design was orchestrated by the same company responsible for orchestrating the prestigious Final Night Gala during the annual Festival del Habano in Cuba.

Nelson Alfonso Egüed founded Selected Tobacco S.A., a company renowned for its exceptional cigars and captivating booth designs. Leading operations at United Cigars, the distributor for Selected Tobacco S.A. in the U.S. market, is Oliver Nivaud. Alfonso's expertise in design is evident in his contributions to some of Habanos S.A.'s most coveted cigars, including the Cohiba BHK Behike, various Gran Reserva editions, and other specialty packaging items such as tubos and jars.


The outermost layer of tobacco leaves encasing the cigar's filler and binder. In the case of the Bandolero Serie C Traviesos cigar, the wrapper contributes to its overall appearance and can influence its flavor and burn characteristics.


MCP - Cigar Review -Bandolero Serie C Traviesos

A well-constructed cigar like the Bandolero Serie C Traviesos ensures an even burn and proper draw, enhancing the overall smoking experience.


Flavor Profile

The flavor profile includes notes of spice, pepper, dark chocolate, espresso, leather, and cedar, providing a complex and satisfying taste journey.


The strength may fall within the medium to full-bodied range, offering a balance of robust flavor and smooth smoking experience.

Aging Potential

The Bandolero Serie C Traviesos may have excellent aging potential, allowing its flavors to mature and develop further with proper storage, resulting in a more refined smoking experience.

Cigar Details

My Cigar Pack - Cigar Review -Bandolero Serie C Traviesos

Aspect Details
Binder Undisclosed
Wrapper Ecuadorian
Origin Nicaragua
Strength Medium +
Filler Nicaraguan
Price $80.00
Count 5 Pack, Box of 25, Single

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Cigar Review: Bandolero Serie C Traviesos
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