Cigar Review: Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper

Cigar Review: Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper
My Cigar Pack - Cigar Review - Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper

At My Cigar Pack, we specialize in delighting both newcomers and aficionados alike. This begins with our collections, which are structured around memberships, bundles and samplers, as well as individual offerings made possible through our partnerships with several cigar manufacturers renowned for their quality.

As part of My Cigar Pack's curated selections, the Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper stands out as a premium choice for aficionados seeking exceptional quality and flavor. Crafted by Alec and Bradley Rubin, sons of the renowned cigar maker Alan Rubin.

Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper

Cigar Review: Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper

Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper cigars represent a harmonious fusion of tradition and innovation, crafted by the talented brothers Alec and Bradley Rubin. As the second release under their eponymous brand, Alec & Bradley, Gatekeeper showcases the siblings' dedication to pushing the boundaries of cigar craftsmanship while paying homage to the rich heritage of their family's legacy in the industry. Named after the "gatekeepers" of quality and consistency within the Rubin family, this cigar exudes elegance and refinement from the moment it is lit.

At the heart of Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper cigars lies a meticulously blended combination of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos, carefully selected to achieve a well-balanced and complex flavor profile. Wrapped in a lush Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, this medium to full-bodied smoke delivers a captivating experience with every draw. Expect a symphony of flavors ranging from the spicy kick of Nicaraguan tobaccos to the creamy richness of Dominican leaves, all complemented by subtle hints of cedar, cocoa, and earthiness.

Beyond its exquisite taste, Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper cigars embody the Rubin brothers' commitment to quality and craftsmanship. Each cigar is expertly rolled to ensure a consistent burn and draw, allowing you to savor every nuance of its flavor profile. Whether enjoyed by seasoned aficionados or newcomers to the world of premium cigars, Gatekeeper serves as a testament to Alec and Bradley's passion for excellence and their dedication to creating memorable smoking experiences for connoisseurs around the globe.


Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper features a luscious Ecuadorian Habano wrapper that adds a touch of elegance to this premium cigar. This wrapper leaf contributes to the overall complexity and richness of the smoking experience, enveloping the blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos with its captivating aroma and subtle spice.


My Cigar Pack - Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper Cigar Review

Meticulously crafted with precision and expertise, Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper cigars boast impeccable construction that ensures a flawless smoking experience from start to finish. Each cigar is expertly rolled to achieve a perfect draw and even burn, allowing us to fully appreciate the nuanced flavors and aromas with every puff.


Flavor Profile

The flavor profile of Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper is a harmonious blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos, delivering a medium to full-bodied smoking experience with a captivating array of flavors. Expect notes of cedar, spice, and cocoa intertwined with hints of earthiness and sweetness, creating a complex and satisfying palate that evolves throughout the smoking journey.


Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper cigars offer a medium to full-bodied strength profile, providing a satisfying smoking experience for those who appreciate a bit of intensity without overwhelming their palate. The blend of tobaccos strikes a perfect balance between robust flavor and smoothness, making it suitable for both seasoned aficionados and those exploring bolder cigar options.

Aging Potential

While Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper cigars are delightful to smoke fresh, they also possess excellent aging potential. With proper storage in a controlled environment, these cigars can further develop and mellow over time, enhancing their complexity and refinement. Users and members who enjoy exploring the evolution of flavors in aged cigars will find Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper to be a rewarding choice for their humidor.

Cigar Details

Cigar Review: Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper
Attribute Description
Binder Nicaraguan
Wrapper Ecuador Habano
Origin Dominican Republic
Strength Medium
Filler Dominican & Nicaraguan
Count SINGLE / BOX OF 16
Size 6 1/4 x 54 (Toro), 5 x 50 (Robusto), 6 x 52 (Toro), 6 1/4 x 54
Price $12.75

As My Cigar Pack grows its range of products and alliances, our partnership with Alec & Bradley Cigars underscores our dedication to excellence and our fervor for the cigar lifestyle. Together, we extend an invitation to aficionados to embark on a journey of exploration and pleasure, savoring each cigar experience along the way.

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Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper Cigar Review
Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper Cigar Review
Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper Cigar Review

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